

Dokkodo - The Path of Aloneness

by Miyamoto Musashi

  1. Accept everything just the way it is. - rather than wish for a life without suffering, look for the strength to suffer well and overcome it.
  2. Do not seek pleasure for its own sake. - Suffer Today and live Tomorrow as a King among Men.
  3. Do not, under any circumstances, depend upon a partial feeling. - Take your time to consider an important decision. Weigh its merits with unclouded judgement and you will make the right choice when the time comes.
  4. Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world. - If you only focus on yourself, you'll miss the wonder and knowledge that the whole world has to offer.
  5. Be Detached from Desire your whole life long. - Rather than chase things you don't need, take a step back to enjoy what you have.
  6. Do not regret what you have not done. - Who you are today, is not who you were yesterday, nor who you will be tomorrow. Move on and work to become better than you were before.
  7. Never be jealous. - Rather than covet what others have, be grateful for the blessings you've already been given.
  8. Never let yourself be saddened by a seperation. - Loss is a part of life. Redirect your pain into hard work and continue fulfilling your destiny.
  9. Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor for others. - Do not spend your whole life blaming others for your failures. Take responsibility for your actions and continue working towards your success.
  10. Do not let yourself be guided by the feelings of Lust or Love. - When love is right, you won't have to chase it. It will come to you.
  11. In all things, have no preferences. - Be unbaised, open to learn from everyone and everything.
  12. Be indifferent to where you live. - It is not where you live that matters, but how you live. If you value your home and the possessions within it, then the things you own end up owning you.
  13. Do not pursue the taste of good food. Overindulgence of good food is neither good for your mind nor your body. Practice moderation in all things, but especially in how you eat.
  14. Do not hold on to possessions that you no longer need. - Gift your posessions to others who need it more than you.
  15. Do not act following customary beliefs.
  16. Do not collect weapons and practice with weapons beyond what is useful. - Your time is precious, spend it wisely.
  17. Do not fear death. - "Death smiles at us all, all we can do is smile back"
  18. Do not seek to posess either goods or feifs for your old age. - Your posessions are of the earth and serve no purpose after you're gone.
  19. Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help.
  20. You may abandon your body but you must preserve your honor.
  21. Never Stray from the Way. - Be unshakeable from the set of principles by which you live your life.