Principles of Microeconomics


MIT OCW 14.01SC - Summary

MIT 14.01SC - Principles of Microeconomics (Youtube Playlist)

L1. - Introduction to Microeconomics

  • Economics is about scarcity and resource optimisation.
  • Microeconomics tries to model a general decision making framework.
  • We look at behaviour of two main actors in Microeconomics: Producers and Consumers.
  • One key variable: Prices. Prices determine resource production, consumption and allocation.
  • Positive vs Normative economics: How things are? vs How things should be?

L2. - Application of Supply and Demand

  • Supply and Demand curves. Equilibrium point at intersection.
    • Q_d = D(P)
    • dQ_d / dP < 0 (Law of Demand)
    • Q_s = S(P)
    • dQ_s / dP > 0 (Law of Supply)
    • Q_d (P*) = Q_s (P*)
    • P* is optimal price. market eqm at intersection of supply and demand curve
  • Supply and Demand curve shifts due to shocks
    • Market absorbs excess supply and excess demand by shifting equilibrium.
    • Price changes in one market can affect another.
      • General equilibrium includes feedback effects.
  • Government Intervention in Markets.
    • Eg. Minimum wage, Price ceilings.
    • May cause inefficiences, e.g. unemployment, shortages.
    • Equity-Efficiency tradeoffs.
      • Costs:
        • Efficiency loss - trade that could make both parties better off is not made.
        • Allocation inefficiency - resources are not allocated to those who need them the most.
      • Benefit:
        • Equity - (percieved?) fairness.
    • Direct effects (what voters see) and indirect effects (what economists see).
    • Secondary markets can arise to evade government regulation.

L3. - Elasticity

  • Elasiticity of demand (\epsilon_d) = (dQ/Q)/(dP/P) = (dQ/dP)*(P/Q). (units: dimensionless, ratio of %s) (should be negative) (percent change in qty / percent change in price)
    • Perfectly Inelastic Demand: elasticity = 0.
    • Perfectly Elastic Demand: elasticity = -infinite.
  • Perfectly Inelastic Demand
    • Demand does not change with price change
    • Straight vertical line on price-qty diagram. Straight vertical line on price-qty diagram.
    • Example: when there are no substitutes.
      • Some Medicine / treatments - e.g. insulin for diabetics.
      • Example of elastic demand: viagra.
    • What happens in case of supply shock?
      • If supply decreases(?) There cannot be excess demand. The price increases. No change in qty.
  • Perfectly Elastic Demand.
    • Straight horizontal line on price-qty diagram. Straight horizontal line on price-qty diagram.
    • Where consumers don't care about quantity, but only about price.
    • Example: There are infinitely good substitutes.
      • E.g. Candy. Orbit and Eclipse. McDonalds and Burger King.
      • If price of Orbit increases people would buy Eclipse.
      • If there is a supply shock, price could not change, only qty supplied would change.
  • Peek ahead about Producer theory:
    • Revenue R = Q * P (unit: $)
    • (dR/R)/(dP/P) = (dR/dP) * (P/R) = Q(1+E)*P/R = (1+E)
    • If Elasticity > -1, producer benefits by raising price.
      • But then why isn't price always 0 or infinity? coming up next lectures.
  • Difficult to measure elasticities because of causation/correlation problem.
  • However, this data may be important to determine govt. policies.

L4. - Preferences and Utility

  • We assume all consumer behaviour comes from Utility Maximisation.
  • Three steps:
    • Assumptions:
      • Completeness: Can always pick which one I like more between A & B.
      • Transitivity: If A > B, B > C then A > C.
      • Non-Satiation: More is always better!
    • Utility Functions.
    • Budget constraints.
  • Indifference curves: indifference curves
  • Utility: Mathematical representation of preferences.
    • U(x, y) => value doesn't mean anything, only relative ranking does.
    • We assume d^2 U/d(X^2) <= 0 (diminishing marginal utility)
  • Link between Utility and Preference maps?
    • Marginal rate of substitution.
      • U(x, y) = 0 => ∂U/∂x dx + ∂U/∂y dy = 0 => dy/dx = -(∂U/∂x)/(∂U/∂y)
      • We always have diminishing marginal rate of substitution.

L5. - Budget Constraints

  • Assuming for now that income = budget. (No savings.)
    • Good enough assumption for typical Americans.
  • Budget constraint: Straight line on graph (y = Sum (P_i * X_i))
  • Slope of the line will be (-ve of price ratio) (-P_1/P_2)
    • This slope is called Marginal Rate of Transformation
  • Opportunity Cost
    • Oppertunity cost is the value of the forgone alternative.
  • Maximising Utility subject to Budget Constraint Indifference curves and budget line
    • Maximising Utility is equivalent to choosing furthest out indifference curve on the budget line.
    • Indifference curve will be tangent to the budget constraint!
    • The slope of the indifference curve = slope of the budget constraint!
    • Marginal rate of substitution = Marginal rate of transformation!
    • - (∂U/∂x_1) / (∂U/∂x_2) = - P_1 / P_2
    • (Marginal) Benefit = (Marginal) Costs
    • (∂U/∂x_1)/P_1 = (∂U/∂x_2)/P_2
    • If this is not true, we can shift optimal point towards where we have more benefit!
    • Corner solutions possible where the slopes will not be equal!
  • Government can affect consumption of goods through taxation.
    • Or it can also use psychology to affect consumption. (Called Nudge in behavioural economics. Check out book called Nudge.)

L6. - Deriving Demand Curves